The Ultimate Step by Step Guide to Facebook Marketing

Discover how to create a successful marketing strategy for your business to seize growth opportunities and boost revenue.

Facebook Ads Bidding Strategies & Types

Lowest Cost (Auto Bid)

This plan is great if you want to spend all your money at once, or if you have no idea what to do. It is particularly beneficial for increasing brand recognition, traffic, post engagement, or generating leads.

Bid Cap

You still target the same ad kinds with this tactic as you would with the lowest cost tactic, but you have total budget control. This might also provide you an advantage over other advertisers who might be just relying on Auto Bid.

Cost Cap

The ideal justifications for using this option are to increase traffic, promote event attendance, generate leads, or achieve off-site conversions from your adverts. The maximum bids are determined by Facebook, and you choose the highest amount you want to offer. This kind of bid approach works well when you want to save expenses while boosting efficiency.

Target Cost

This is an excellent tactic to take into account if you want to keep prices consistent since it enables you to precisely forecast your conversion cost and produce as many leads as you can for the price you have set. If you want to use your advertisement to increase traffic, create leads, or boost conversions, use this method.

Minimum Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

ROAS is essentially a value optimisation technique that centres on your objective. For instance, if you want to increase app installations, conversions, or catalogue sales, this bid approach would be something to think about. Facebook will adjust the offer in order to maximise optimization while minimising total cost. Select this option if ROAS is your primary metric.

Highest Value

Using this hands-off bidding strategy, you can use your entire budget to get the best ROAS. Facebook bids on your behalf and spends your budget effectively to achieve a reasonable value. Employ this method for app installs, conversions, and catalogue sales ads.

Great Ways To Generate Leads Using Facebook

Lead Ads

The most effective Facebook lead generation tactics involve lead ads. These advertisements appear on users' News Feeds, Stories, Marketplace, and so forth, and they are sponsored by your company. These advertisements target users who are most interested in your company based on their Facebook activity as well as their off-Facebook behaviour. When a user clicks on a lead ad, they are prompted to fill out a form and submit contact information.

Use videos to promote lead generation offers

Due to the modifications made to Facebook's algorithm, Facebook's organic reach fell to around 5.2% in 2020, a tremendous decrease from 52% in 2016. Despite the fact that your audience would be unable to see your content without an Facebook ad, video posts have become popular among marketers. Why? Because Facebook's algorithm favors video content, video posts have an average engagement rate of 0.26%, which is higher than that of other post types.

Use Facebook Live videos to remind people to register

Creating a perfectly scripted and edited marketing video might be time-consuming and intimidating, but you don't have to spend time and money to make one to take advantage of video on Facebook — especially if you're a small business. Facebook Live lets anyone post videos from their mobile device to their Facebook News Feed straight away. Because these live videos are designed to look more natural and genuine than those of other marketing strategies, they are more realistic and sincere.

Pin posts that link to lead generation offers to the top of your feed

You can pin a post to the top of your Page's Timeline so that it can be showcased and highlighted. Pins remain at the top of your Timeline for seven days after their publication date, after which they return to their original date. You'll recognise a “pinned post” marker at the top of a pinned post, which is distinct from a normal post. You should pin posts that are valuable to your audience and relevant to your online objectives.

Add a CTA button to your Facebook Page

When it comes to lead generation on Facebook, a CTA button is a must-have. Because Facebook business Pages were given the ability to insert a CTA button in late 2014, CTA buttons are now a crucial part of any Facebook campaign. With this simple button, you can drive more traffic to your website from your Facebook Page, including lead generation pages, contact sheets, and other lead generation forms. You may learn how to set up and use the CTA button here.

Ask for input from your Facebook audience about your products

You can get complimentary feedback on your wares or services by asking for feedback and then linking to a landing page where people can try your tool for free. Your followers will be happy to offer their two cents, and they'll be able to click directly to the landing page in order to do so. Be careful regarding what you post for comment, as you may open up the floodgates for negative commenters.

Run a contest or giveaway

Contests and giveaways are popular with audiences. They can also educate you about your audience—as well as engage and grow your reach—all while driving traffic to your website. Because your giveaway is intended to collect leads, you should publish posts with an attractive featured image or video, compelling and coherent text, and a link to your giveaway page where one can enter their information.

Create a Facebook event page for your next webinar

Creating landing pages and dedicated content offerings are excellent ways to get leads, but webinars are also terrific. When posting to your business timeline, you may wish to post your sign-up form for your webinar. You may also spread the word by creating a Facebook Event with a separate registration page on your website. Creating a Facebook Event invites people to join, and where they'll be turned into leads after they join. Facebook Events are also more noticeable than regular posts on the News Feed.

Run targeted ads to extend your content’s reach

The greatest thing Facebook can do for your business is to expand its audience by running a lead generation ad campaign. Thanks to Facebook's impressive targeting techniques, you may target people based on location, age, gender, and other interests. Boosted posts, right-hand column ads, and News Feed adverts are three basic types of Facebook adverts that I'll discuss below.

Run lead ads to simplify the mobile signup process

In 2015, Facebook introduced lead ads, which allow users to join mobile-friendly lead-generating offers and content without leaving Facebook. Users can join lead ads without leaving Facebook thanks to easy-to-fill-out forms. Why? Because mobile users can simply populate a form rather than having to zoom and type in small fields. When you click on a lead ad, a form opens with your contact information populated based on what you've shared with Facebook already, such as your name and email address.

Facebook Posts

When people see your Facebook posts, they're most likely interested in what you have to say. You may post one-off updates or a series of messages that direct people to your website or Facebook page. You may also direct people to a landing page where they can enter their information.

Facebook Messenger

Facebook's Messenger app is equipped with a live chat feature. The app allows customers to chat one-on-one with your brand and its products. There's no need to maintain a live chat channel all the time, as you can install a bot on your page. Your team may use Facebook Messenger to direct interested customers to your website and landing pages in order to turn them into leads. Whether it's a bot or a person, your team may use Facebook Messenger to direct customers to your site.

Facebook Events

Do you run an annual event, a fundraiser, or a charity that users can donate to? Find out if your company has an Events page. You may use the Events tool to make a dedicated event page. Your audience can register for your event in one location by signing up, completing forms, and becoming leads.

Facebook Live Video

Want to generate leads in a more instinctive manner? Try Facebook Live Video. A real-time, public stream is created when you use Facebook Live Video. You can use this platform to send prospects to your marketing content. Viewers' posts and comments are displayed on the video as it runs, and you may use this platform as a way to direct them.

Photo Albums

Since your race went off without a hitch, your marketing team was able to take photos and capture the greatest moments. However, the photos weren't taken just for fun. They're going to be used to generate leads on your Facebook page.

Post landing pages for offers directly to Facebook

Getting people to your landing page with a Facebook lead generation idea is one of the highest-ranking suggestions on Facebook. Make sure the offer's compelling imagery is being pulled into the Facebook post, and also make sure the open graph tags are activated on your website so the right image gets pulled from your blog post. To optimize the image size and add the correct open graph tags to your site, you'll need to perform these actions.

Post the blog posts that generate the most leads

The highest-leverging blog posts are the ones that select and post content that attracts leads. Your audience will be intrigued by the topic and title of the blog post, and they will click and read it, to which a CTA near the intro will hopefully appeal. If a person has a problem or wants to learn more about something, they can be directed to the CTA.

Include links to landing pages in your image captions

Facebook marketing is hugely reliant on visual content, so it's no surprise that visuals are so popular. For example, posts with images see a higher clickthrough rate than those without, so leveraging the images you post on Facebook can lead to lead generation opportunities. When writing the descriptions for your profile picture and cover photo, include links to your website to capitalise on these higher engagement rates.

How to Audit Your Facebook Ads Account for Better Results

How to Create a Facebook Marketing Strategy

Identify Your Facebook Audience

To get a good idea of who your Facebook audience is, take an honest look at the buyer personas in marketing strategies across industries. To do this well-rounded research will require interviewing wide variety customers and prospects with diverse backgrounds knowledge about you industry's challenges they face as well what resources help them learn more skills that could be valuable for improving life within these conditions or even starting new businesses altogether!

Create a Social Media Content Calendar

With a social media content calendar, you can plan out your posts in advance and schedule them when it is most convenient for YOU. This way there's no stress about trying to remember what needs publishing or looking at the feed constantly wondering if anyone saw that one particular article! A good tool even has an export function so they're easy enough move around on their computer later too (useful if someone else shares organizational duties).

Generating Leads on Facebook

"Nowadays, it’s easier than ever to turn your Facebook fans into paying customers. All you need is a little strategy and some creativity! First things first: post content on social media that encourages people who see the posts in their news feed (and others)to give us info - like signing up for email updates or requesting more information about our products/services by filling out this form."

How To Get More Followers on Facebook

Develop your Facebook marketing strategy

"When developing your strategy, it is important to ask yourself what success looks like. It's also crucial not only focus on the competitors but stay ahead of them by assessing how they are doing and adapting accordingly."

Work with influencers

Influencers are a great way to get your message across. They're also more trustworthy than brands, which means you can increase trust in both of them! Influencer collaborations might be the perfect fit for new audiences that don't know about or trust your brand yet - it's all up in the air depending on what goals one has when partnering with an influencer."

Partner up with another brand

Co-marketing is a collaboration between two brands with similar audiences and marketing goals who team up for the purpose of increasing exposure. This can be achieved through releasing videos, events or content on social media channels in order to generate interest from potential consumers that overlap both companies' target markets!

Offer a coupon

You can also offer discount codes to encourage Facebook reviews, which serve as social proof and help you gain more followers.

Join Facebook Groups

Joining a Facebook Group can give you direct access to your target audience. You'll get insight into what they're interested in and how best reach them with this information, as well an opportunity for more intimate connections through sharing content that matters most - their needs! But don't forget: it's not just about selling here; rather use these groups like another channel towards building authentic relationships while staying true towoards transparency

Create your own Facebook Group

The second-best way to reach your audience on social media is through Facebook groups. This works because members have opted in and will stay around if it provides them value - which you can offer by providing great content for this specific group!

Learn from your Facebook Insights dashboard

"Your Facebook Business Page Insights is where you can find out everything about your page. This includes insights into how people are interacting with it and what posts they like best."

Use hashtags in your posts

Hashtags are a great way to make your posts stand out from the crowd. You can use them alongside keywords or phrases that pertain specifically and uniquely about what you're posting so people will be able find it easier than ever before!

Make your page easier to find

There are many ways to make sure you're easily found on Facebook. The last thing any business wants is for their followers or potential customers go through hours of scrolling only find out they were too difficult to locate! Here's how: 1) Use the same username across all your social media profiles so that anyone who searches online can easily track down what page this belongs in, 2 ) Add a logo as well with either an attractive cover photo which depicts whatever product/service offered by them 3.) Have complete contact information including address & phone number available at all times 4). Monitor feedback from those interacting 5

Don’t over-promote

It's important that you use Facebook to engage your target audience and publish content which resonates with them. Promoting certain products or services too much can be bad for engagement, so it should not always mean the majority of posts are ads! It all depends on what industry sector/ niche group someone falls into - there might need some pushing in different areas depending how far away from their target market they are reaching out towards potential new customers

Authenticate your page

Brands should authenticate their Facebook pages to protect the audience against bots and fake businesses. This will help guarantee that followers are genuine, giving them more confidence in following your page or purchasing what you offer onlineBrands must ensure authenticity on social media by authentication because there's been an increase of both fraudulent profiles intended harm consumers as well as uncertainty among real ones due this flourishing industry with funny business accounts aiming at making money off our lackliness

Post often

Your posting schedule is a reflection of your followers. Why? The more you post, the higher in visibility and reach for new users that will be interested!

Create original content

When new social media platforms become popular, it's simple to reuse content from one platform to another. That might make posting frequently easier, but it may be damaging your engagement. Every social media platform is different and so are its users. For example, users of Facebook prefer to consume video content rather than other kinds. The most profitable content on Facebook is humorous, fun, or practical.

Run ads

You can reach more Facebook users besides following all the steps mentioned above by running Facebook Ads. You can target users based on demographics, behaviours, and interests with Facebook Ads. Facebook's user persona matches your users and is more likely to convert them. Posting regularly isn't enough to gain more Facebook followers. To develop sustainable strategies, you must investigate data to identify what attracts your audience and interact with them.

Run Facebook Ads

The most obvious way to increase the number of people who follow your Facebook account is by using Facebook ads. You can also increase the visibility of your brand by using “Engagement” ads. It doesn’t matter what kind of ad you create; you’ll probably get additional followers, even “Conversion” ads. Users will probably engage with the post if they like the ad content. They might also like or follow your Facebook page as a result.

Invite People to Like Your Page

The simplest method of increasing Facebook followers is by inviting them to like your page. Inviting your friends and family is a low-hanging fruit. You may also invite them to like your page. Remember, though, that a small, targeted audience is more fruitful than a big, open one, as your future advertising may be constrained by it.

Create Viral Content

When people post things to my most popular store's Facebook page, they usually tag their friends, which increases social media engagement and also increases social reach. You can boost social media engagement by sharing viral niche content with your audience or by sharing viral content of your own. You must always credit the creator.

Host a Giveaway

Giving away prizes on Facebook is a great way to increase likes. You may share your giveaway on niche Facebook groups, forums, and websites as well as your Facebook page. By including “visit Facebook page” as an option for entering, you are more likely to boost the number of followers you have.

Post Attention Grabbing Content

When you're trying to figure out how to get Facebook likes, make sure your content stands out in feeds. It is unique and appealing, so it gets Facebook followers.

Add a Facebook Likes Pop-Up

You can use an exit intent pop-up to increase Facebook likes if you're aiming to increase Facebook likes instead of subscribers. However, some online stores ask for emails upon exit intent.

Try Out Facebook Live

Facebook Live videos are among the most popular online sensations. In addition to providing general niche ideas, Facebook Live videos may be used to show off new products if you've ordered samples. You might also use Facebook Live to give customers a sneak peek into your store.

Partner with an Influencer

Often, the best way to boost your Facebook likes is to tie up with influential persons. I've partnered with the most effective influencers that weren't really influencers. They were fan pages dedicated to a particular niche. I mean, Facebook is loaded with them. They usually attract big audiences at a relatively low cost. In fact, they're usually cheaper than an influencer.

Host giveaways

Giveaways are a great and effective way to build brand awareness. You can attract new Facebook users by launching it on your page, so make sure you set up rules for participation that encourage audience engagement! The more posts about the giveaway from people they follow - whether their friends or not- means better chances at reaching out potential customers with this strategy

Get Tagged by Other Facebook Pages

Searching for organizations that post customers or distinct companies on social media sites is a good way to get organic shoutouts. Look for organizations that post customers or similar customers on social media. Pick those that have a similar audience to you or one that is at least somewhat related.

Use Automation Tools to Boost Your Activity

You can increase your Facebook followers by utilising marketing automation. How? It's not possible to increase Facebook likes without posting on Facebook. Running a store can be demanding. Therefore, posting on Facebook might fall by the wayside at times. It's tough to fit social media marketing into only 20 minutes per week. Therefore, create a series of posts over the next several days using an automation tool.

Add a Facebook Like Widget

Adding a Facebook Like Widget to your ecommerce website is the simplest way to boost Facebook likes.

Add Your Social Media Links to Your Website

It’s surprising how many new store owners skip adding their social media links to their website’s header, footer, or sidebar menu. Your social icons might be in these locations, depending on your theme.

Email Your List

Utilize your current email list if you're looking for Facebook follower growth tips. Including social networking symbols, such as Facebook, in all of your emails is an option, or you may send a special email to your list asking them to like your Facebook page. You can email clients who have consented to receive email marketing even if you haven't been developing an email list. This will help you gain more Facebook likes.

Create More Video Content

To increase the number of views to your Facebook video content, use video marketing. Although text- and photo-based posts receive more attention on Facebook, video content receives higher levels of engagement. As a result, more people will see your content. With more viewers and Facebook likes, your content has a greater chance of being found by potential new Facebook followers.

Engage with Your Community

Even the smallest e-retailer has a huge competitive advantage over the biggest ones. That is because some of the biggest e-retailers don’t engage with their customers. You can build relationships with your customers by engaging with them and responding to questions. But responding in a way that makes them feel that they are chatting with their friends isn’t just about customer service. It is also about being a bit playful.

Hashtag It Up

Hashtags are crucial in Facebook marketing, and they can increase your number of followers in a variety of ways. When it comes to hashtags, there are two main approaches. You can use a literal hashtag like #fashion to post about fashion, or you can use an audience-oriented hashtag. To increase your Facebook fans, use hashtags in your posts.

Offer a Coupon for Liking Your Facebook Page

The goal of obtaining Facebook followers is to generate sales. With the Facebook Likes Popup app, you can offer customers a coupon if they like your page. Not only will they come to your page, but they can also redeem the coupon to receive a discount on their purchase. This exit intent app is ideal for those who want to build social proof on their Facebook page and possibly make a few sales as well.

Get Tagged by Customers

Once your customer receives the product, send them an email and ask them to tag you when they post photos of the product on social media. Getting tagged by your customers can help you gain Facebook followers and sales, as well as increase your numbers. However, the audience pull will be smaller because this word of mouth marketing is more genuine.

Vary your posts

What kind of posts do you find yourself sharing on social media? Have any brands been successful with certain types or styles. For example, one study found that posting videos got more shares than images and covering specific topics received higher engagement rates when compared to other content shared by the same user during an experiment period (Krugman). As we notice trends in what works for others' accounts--such as noticing which formats seem most popular among consumers themselves-it may be worth testing out new strategies ourselves!

Post at the right time

You may think that if you post something on Facebook but no one's around to see it, does the impact disappear? Social media has become a major part of our lives and we need to take advantage by being visible. The first step in increasing your visibility is posting regularly which will align with how people browse social media at various times throughout their day - 5 PM-9PM for instance! If users are busy checking Snapchat or Instagram Stories then make sure not too publish anything outside this window so as best ensure those items don't go unnoticed The key here isn’t just making sure everything gets seen; rather…

Create shareable content

Making shareable content is one of the best ways to get followers because it expands your reach. What makes something have that quality? varies, depending on who you're targeting but there's always an audience interested in what they see!

Interact with your audience

Interactions with your followers will ensure that you are seen and heard by the people who engage with what you post. These one-on-one conversations not only boost engagement rates, but can also build brand loyalty leading to increased sales for a company because they have created an environment where it's easy for consumers/followers alike feel like part of something special through regular interaction from companies such as yours!

Promote your Facebook Page everywhere

If you want more people following your business page, then make sure to direct traffic there whenever possible. There are a few ways this can be done: Add an FB plugin onto website; Include CTA in email newsletter and use affiliate links within blog posts or host giveaways solely on Facebook Promote Page other social media platforms

Add your Facebook social link to all digital platforms

The easiest way to grow your Facebook following is by making it easy for people who follow you. This means having a link that they can access anywhere, like on their website or social media page!

How to Set Up a Facebook Page

Create a Facebook Page

Pages are Facebook's equivalent of a business profile. They look similar to the regular profiles but have specific information applicable only for businesses, organizations or causes - unlike your personal account where you can be friends with others who share it as well! You connect with them by "liking" their Page and becoming one big groupie (i'm sure most people won't mind).

Organize Your Page Tabs

Do you want to take your business Page from good enough, all the way up? Custom tabs are a great way for users who visit different content on their own pages.

Verify Your Page

However, if you are not sure whether to categorize your Page as public or private figure then simply search for "Facebook authenticates Pages" in the app. This will show which type of page has been verified by Facebook at any given time!

Add a Profile Picture

On your profile picture, be sure to choose something that is immediately recognizable (like a logo). If you’re an entrepreneur or public figure like speaker and author Wayne Dyer; it's time for one of those headshots! Local restaurants will likely go with their most popular offering in order show off what they have on tap.

Add a Cover Photo

Your cover photo is the large, horizontal image that spans your entire Page. This can be updated often based on special offerings and campaigns or seasons to help express identity of what you’re doing!

Add a Short Description

Your business has a personality, and you should show off some of that uniqueness in the content for your page. Keep it concise but don't be afraid to let Pourhouse see what makes YOU different! (255 characters max)

Create a Username for Your Page

Your username will appear in a custom Facebook URL to help people easily find and remember your Page. You’ll have 50 characters available for coming up with an original name, not being used by another business or trademarked term that is currently registered as intellectual property belonging exclusively at this time only yours!

Add Your Page to Shortcuts

Your Page is the perfect shortcut for all of your social media needs. The vertical navigation bar on Facebook allows you to easily access different sections and stay up-to date with what's happening inStyle!

Set Up Page Roles

Page roles allow an organization to give different levels of editing access for posts. This way, more people from within the company can contribute without having shared login credentials!

Customize Your Notifications

You can also choose how often you want to be notified about activity on your Page. You might prefer receiving a notification every few hours, or just once in the morning when it happens so that way everything is fresh again before going into work!

Add a Page CTA

People will come to your Facebook Page, but they won't be staying for long if you don’t have content that keeps them engaged. A well-designed website can help create conversions by drawing visitors into an experience where their needs are met and then lead them back again via social media channels such as email newsletter or phone call follow up service This passage discusses how having a presence on facebook alone isn't enough when trying market products in today's world of technology driven marketing campaigns essential pieces should also include static images/graphics along side videos which provide additional value outside just being seen

How to Audit Your Facebook Ads Account for Better Results

Most Important Facebook Ad Metrics You Need to Know

Ad impressions

The Facebook ad impression metric indicates how many times your ad was seen by online users, every time an impression was generated. So, why do impressions matter? Despite the fact that impressions may not always result in sales, they do have a lot of power in that a creative design with a insightful message and a compelling call to action may require a lot of exposures to be successfully delivered before a user takes action on a ad that draws them, or a simple and straightforward ad may be successfully delivered with an increasing number of exposures.

Cost per Conversion

This metric shows you how much you spent for each sale or lead. For instance, if you purchased Facebook ads for $1,000 and 100 of those customers converted, the cost per conversion number would be $10. In each industry, there are different acceptable value ranges, so make sure you know what your industry's pricing standards are before starting a campaign.

Conversion rate

When measuring performance, determine whether clicks on an ad lead to a sale, and then determine the value of those clicks to gauge the effectiveness of your advertising campaign. You can also gauge the profitability of each conversion to make sure you aren't paying more than what is economic.

Return on Ad Spend (ROAS)

Return on Ad Spend is the quantity of money gained from an advertisement divided by the amount of money invested in it. It's crucial to e-commerce companies, stores, restaurants, and events like sports and concerts. When attempting to boost conversions (i.e., generate additional sales), one of the most important performance metrics is purchase ROAS.


Your results metric indicates how well your advertising campaign achieved the stated business objectives. In our example, you would see Post Engagements if you were running an Engagement objective using Page posts (Boost post). If you were targeting people with Traffic, your website clicks results would be shown. This is one of the key Facebook advertising metrics and is affected by a variety of factors, including your auction bid, your target audience, the optimisation type, the ad creative, and the message.


The number of times your adverts were viewed by people. Other than the number of times your adverts were viewed, your reach may also be affected by your bid, budget and audience targeting.


The cost per website click associated with your traffic adverts. The Cost column displays the cost per website click associated with your traffic adverts. It can be influenced by a variety of factors, including your auction bid, target audience, optimization type, advertisement creative, and messaging, as well as your schedule.

Amount Spent

How much money you've spent on your campaign, ad set, or ad. You can see how much you've spent compared to your max budget for the period you're looking at by looking at the Amount Spent field.


The date on which your campaign ends or is scheduled to end, as set in the campaign’s ad set. You may prefer daily budgets, as they are simpler to increase, but you may boost posts only, so you would know of Lifetime budgets.


How frequently on average each individual saw your advertisement. One of the most underutilised Facebook advertising indicators is frequency. By repeatedly presenting your message to members of your target audience, you may increase awareness and memory.

Relevance score

The relevance score provides an estimation of how well your target audience is responding to the ad in terms of its relevance. It ranges from 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest quality. The higher the score, the better your ad is reaching your targeted audience. This is why tracking this Facebook ad metric is important.

Cost per 1k people reached

The typical cost of reaching 1,000 people. Reach on Facebook might be a more revealing indicator than impressions since it quantifies the number of individuals who saw your message and the effectiveness of your outreach.


How many times your advertisements were seen. Impressions are a frequent measure used in internet marketing. Impressions are a measurement of how frequently and broadly your advertisements were viewed by the people that matter. As was already said, Reach measurements are more revealing.

CPM Cost per 1k impressions

The average cost for 1,000 impressions. The cost-effectiveness of an advertising campaign is often measured by the CPM metric, which is widely used in the internet advertising sector. CPM is a fine place to start, but engagement metrics and end-user activities are more crucial for determining your ROI.

People taking action

This metric includes the number of people who acted on your adverts. It supplements the reach metric by showing the number of people who interacted with or saw your advertisements and subsequently took action.

Post reactions

The number of reactions on your adverts (or on all posts, in some cases). People can post different reactions to your content: Like, Love, Haha, Wow, Sad, or Angry. Adverts that are relevant to your target audience are likely to perform better as a result of receiving post reactions.

Post comment

The amount of comments left on your advertisements (or all posts, in some cases). The post comments statistic tracks any comments made on your ads while they were running. If you run a Page likes campaign, this includes comments on other posts on your Page that were ascribed to your advertisements.

Post shares

A measure of the popularity of your adverts (or posts, in some instances). Users can post adverts or posts on their own timelines, in groups, and on their own pages, and then share them with their friends and followers. Facebook looks at the amount of shares a piece of content gets rather than other social media activities (Reactions and Comments). As a result, companies will receive lower cost per result thanks to Facebook's evaluation of audiences.

Link clicks

The number of ad clicks that lead to a destination or experience on or off of Facebook-owned properties. Your ad clicks are counted towards the number of clicks on advert links to those destinations or experiences.

CTR (Link)

The proportion of times people viewed your ad and then clicked on a link. CTR is one of the most crucial KPIs, since it affects your relevance score and the cost per result you are required to pay. Although the CTR across all industries is only 0.9%, the average is 0.9%.

CPC (Link)

The cost of each link click is dependent on how often users click on the link and how high your CTR is. Facebook pays higher costs to advertisers whose ad fit is excellent and whose clicks result in high CTRs.

Geographical location

The importance of geographic location cannot be stressed enough if you plan to use other marketing strategies in those areas as well. It may be beneficial to monitor this variable to ensure success and gain important information.

Page likes

The number of Facebook Page Likes that are counted as part of your advertisements' Like statistics. Your Page Likes are counted both on the Facebook Page where you post your adverts and via the Like button on your advert.

Three-second video views

The amount of time your video was viewed for an aggregate of at least three seconds, or for nearly its entire duration, whichever came first. For example, if someone watches a two-second video for 1.94 seconds or a three-second video for 2.91 seconds, that counts as a three-second video view. When credits roll or content fades out, people often stop watching before the end of a video, so 97% is considered to be the video's full length. Three-second video views are excellent indicators of how much time people spent watching very short clips that are under 15 seconds in length.

Cost per three-second video views

The total amount spent divided by the number of three-second video views to determine the cost of each view.

Ten-second video views

The total amount of times your video was viewed for at least 10 seconds or almost its whole duration, whichever came first. It counts as a ten-second video view, for instance, if someone views a five-second video for 4.85 seconds or a ten-second film for 9.7 seconds. Ten second video views are a crucial statistic to gauge engagement on somewhat longer films up to 30 seconds, just like three second video views are.

Cost per 10 second video views

The typical price per ten-second video watch. The total money spent is multiplied by the quantity of 10-second video views to arrive at this measure.

Video percentage watched

The average number of people that watched your video. The proportion of your video that is viewed, averaged across all of your video views, is the measure. Since there is a significant amount of drop-off for films exceeding one minute in duration, you'll discover that the longer the video, the lower the proportion of the video watched.

Video watches at 25%

The total number of times your video was viewed during the first quarter, including instances when viewers cut off at this point.

Video watches at 50%

The total number of times your video was seen, including skips to this section, at the halfway mark.

Video watches at 75%

The total number of times, including skips, that your video was seen for at least 75% of its duration

Video watches at 95%

The total number of times your video was seen, including skips to this section, at 95% of its length.

Audience demographic

It makes sense that you would want to know as much as you can about your audience’s demographics in order to create an accurate targeting strategy. Their industry is particularly niche-oriented SaaS. Seeing as we operate in a narrow niche ourselves (field service software), the sheer amount of traffic to our site would not be worth the cost if it were not qualified.

Video watches at 100%

The total number of times your video was viewed, including instances when viewers fast-forwarded to this section.

Cost per result

The cost per result, which determines whether your campaign was successful or unsuccessful, is calculated by dividing the entire money spent by the total number of results.

Video views and video percentage watched

To track the percentage of videos that were watched, you must know the number of times your video was viewed at various percentages. For example, if a person viewed a video at 25%, 50%, 75%, and 95%, and then skipped to the point where they viewed it, those would be counted as one play. The percentage watched allows you to determine how memorable your ad is, as well as how much relevance it has to your targeted audience.


The ad's effectiveness is measured by how well it attracts the desired audience members and how engaged they are with the ad. The ad's post engagement (the number of reactions, shares, comments, and clicks it received) can be used in conjunction with the CTR to determine if different ad types are working well with your target audience.

Result rate

This measure is presented as a percentage and considers the following: how many people watched your advertisement. how many people clicked on your advertisement. Your ad is attracting attention and functioning effectively if your Result Rate is high. If your Result Rate is poor, you could choose to delete or modify the advertisement to improve your results.

Click-through rate

The click-to-impression ratio for separate ads shows you how many times a person clicked on your ad versus how many times your ad was viewed. In other words, this metric shows you the proportion of people who clicked on your ad versus the number of people who saw it. Your ad's clickthrough rate gauges whether your target audience is attracted to it enough to click. That is the question it answers.

The Pros and Cons of Using Facebook Ads for Marketing


People spend a lot of time on social networks. According to a recent study, Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger users spend around 50 minutes on those sites every day. Campaigns are simple to track. They achieve quick results, and you can control your daily budget. You also profit from the campaign immediately (you can define the cost per conversion and profit from the campaign). There are more targeting options, such as towns, regions, ages, interests, income levels, and demographics (which you can also target with Google AdWords). You can also set up AdWords quickly. The cost per click is relatively low, depending on your industry (averaging $0.61 per click).


The cost of setting up and managing an AdWords campaign incorrectly is usually lower than Google AdWords, but potentially higher if your target audience is large enough (As an example, Facebook Advertising would be inappropriate in a locality where only one firm serves or supplies products and services). With the exception of targeting ads at certain times of day or during specific periods of the week, there is no way to target ads to specific individuals. They are best suited for B2C companies. You might reduce your goal conversion rate by appealing to customers too early in the sales process.

Types of Facebook Page Roles


Admins can manage all aspects of a Page, meaning they have permissions to send messages and publish posts as the creator. They also get access rights for responding or deleting comments on their own created Pages A great way is by choosing an already established profile that has been given admins tools in order see which one published my latest post - it'll show up right there!


Though Editors have all the same permissions as Admins, there is one key difference: they cannot assign Page roles to other people.


The moderating team is able to respond and delete comments, but they cannot publish as the Page. They do have access create ads for their page A moderator can send messages on behalf of her or his organization's identity with flair!


Advertisers can create ads and view insights, while viewers will be able to see what they're promoting.


The Analyst has the power to see which Admin published a specific post with their insights.

Jobs Manager

Jobs managers can do everything that an advertiser does, plus publish and manage job listings.

What data does the Facebook Pixel collect?


The number of visitors to your website.

Scheduled an appointment

Visitors who scheduled an appointment.

Search queries

Visitors who used your site’s search bar.

Added to cart

Website visitors who have added products to their cart.

Added to wishlist

Visitors who have added items to their shopping cart.

Customised a product

Site visitors who choose a particular version of your product.

Initiated checkout

Users who made an attempt to check out.

Added payment info

Visitors who added their payment information during the checkout process.

Made a purchase

Visitors who made a purchase.

Started trial

Visitors who registered for a free trial.

Why use Facebook ads?

Audience size

More than 1.63 billion people use Facebook every day, 1.52 billion of them access it through mobile devices.


Social media is where people spend a lot of their time. Each day, the typical user only uses Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger for roughly 50 minutes.

Organic reach decline

Since a few years ago, organic reach on Facebook has been declining and has practically reached nil. Facebook is almost exclusively a pay-to-play network if you want to succeed right now.


Incredibly flexible targeting possibilities are available in Facebook Ads. Users may be targeted by a variety of factors, including geography, demographics, age, gender, hobbies, and behaviour.